Monday, May 12, 2008

Pastor, Mentor & Friend

I don't know exactly when I met Joe Davis. I think it was when I became a part of the Next Step committee at Ev. Free Fullerton in about 1997 or 1998. In 1999 he became my boss when I transitioned from the secular workplace into full-time vocational ministry. More than a boss could ever be, Joe became my pastor. He began to teach and shepherd me always believing in me and allowing me to lead. He encouraged me to continue in my studies at Biola. He became my mentor in regard to all things about business but particularly in areas of non-profit organizations. He promoted me. He taught me and shared his heart and love for what the Bible says about money, stewardship and possessions. Then at the end of his career, he stepped aside and recommended me as his replacement. My relationship with Joe has always been a joy! It has been more like two friends with shared passions working towards common goals. Our love of the Lord and how we can help people grow closer to him unites us. I don't know what I've done to earn his respect or trust but I appreciate it greatly. Joe has finished well and this is my salute to him. Congratulations and Happy Retirement!

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