Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oscars 2008 - Film versus Movie

I love going to the movies but I have a problem. One of my theories is that there are two classifications for this form of entertainment: movie, and film. It is often hard to define and it is very subjective to the whim of this writer. Message plays a huge part. Cultural significance plays another. Whether or not the movie makes you think or just entertains you is a qualifier as well. Perhaps I should develop a matrix to help me decide. As an example: Schindler's List is a film. You've Got Mail is a movie.

Having just watched the 2008 Academy Awards with our friends (an annual tradition). Here are my selected classifications for the movies I saw that were nominated for best picture:

  • There Will Be Blood - Film (based on message)
  • No Country for Old Men - Movie (just an shoot 'em up guys movie)
  • Atonement - Film (based on message and production quality)
Chime in and let me know your thoughts. Like to know what I think about a particular movie/film just post and I'll let you know.


sclark91 said...

Should a 'movie' get best picture? Or just those classified as a 'film'?

Kimo said...

Depending on the cultural impact a movie could win for best picture. However, by definition, films are more significant and would almost always be favored over a movie.

Anonymous said...

I also think that a "requirement" between movie and film is simply that. A movie, is anything shot digitally; whereas a film is by nature exposed the old fashioned way. I think far too many movie makers get a break and take advantage of technological advances in equipmnet which take a way from proper lighting and mothod which could seriously undermine a film's quality of production, simply because they can get away with the shortcuts of digital. I'dmuch rather see two distict categories for best movie and best film, as well as, categories such as best comedy, best "first timer", and best effects movie where moviemakers (like George Lucas)have a chance to compete for legitimate film honors for their stories against terminator-type movies like Transformers that would otherwise be excluded except on technical merrit.