Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surgery August 2011


Word has been getting out about this so it’s time to share… We have not meant to be secretive but until everything was firmed up we just weren’t ready to share. After months of trials, tests, poking, drugs and even being shocked with a taser, it seems we finally have some answers on the health issue front. The good news is that there is no MS. The not so good news is that the MRI of my neck is not so positive.

My MRI shows multiple levels of significant disc protrusion. At C6/7 it is so severe that it is compressing the spinal cord and is the main cause of all of my symptoms (muscles spasms, weakness, balance issues). At the level above, the C5/6 disc has a right side herniation that is substantial. The level above at C4/5 has a smaller protrusion and herniation. At this point the plan is surgery on August 18th at 8:30am at Kaiser Lakeview.

The goal of surgery is to remove the herniated disc away from the spinal cord so that it is not continually harming the cord. The surgery recommend is a C5/6 and C6/7 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. They remove the discs, put in a spacer that will graft to the spinal vertebrae, drill down my spinal column and give a little more room for my cord to heal and move and add a titanium plate as well. There is a chance that I’ll need the same treatment at the C4/5 disc as well in the future. The surgery is expected to take 5-6 hours and most patients go home in one to two days. The doctor will give me 6 weeks off but is hopeful I can come back much sooner even in a limited capacity possibly within a few weeks. It's great that I can do a lot from home. The only limitations are no lifting and repetitive movement. At this point, surgery is the only option and is urgent before further damage to the spinal cord becomes permanent and I lose the use of limbs.

Thanks for praying and for continuing to be in prayer!

Prayer requests:

That the neuro-surgeon (Dr. Lin) and hospital staff are wonderful and skilled.

The medication I am on is also making it very difficult to function mentally and dosages are increasing, so for strength, mental focus and stamina over the next month is critical as well as is quick healing, post-surgery.

Sandy and I leave for Europe for 11 days on October 20th. This will be about 9 weeks after surgery. I’m hoping to be healed enough to be pretty active so that we can enjoy this trip of a lifetime. Hopefully I’ll be able to look up when we are in the Sistine Chapel. :)

Thanks for praying!

Jim & Sandy