Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oscars 2008 - Film versus Movie

I love going to the movies but I have a problem. One of my theories is that there are two classifications for this form of entertainment: movie, and film. It is often hard to define and it is very subjective to the whim of this writer. Message plays a huge part. Cultural significance plays another. Whether or not the movie makes you think or just entertains you is a qualifier as well. Perhaps I should develop a matrix to help me decide. As an example: Schindler's List is a film. You've Got Mail is a movie.

Having just watched the 2008 Academy Awards with our friends (an annual tradition). Here are my selected classifications for the movies I saw that were nominated for best picture:

  • There Will Be Blood - Film (based on message)
  • No Country for Old Men - Movie (just an shoot 'em up guys movie)
  • Atonement - Film (based on message and production quality)
Chime in and let me know your thoughts. Like to know what I think about a particular movie/film just post and I'll let you know.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting Older & Not Liking It!

The heading for this rant is exactly what I hope to communicate in this BLOG. I am getting older and I am not liking it! Not only that, but my children are getting older and I am not liking that either! Maybe even less!

I have realized more and more lately how unprepared I am for my children being teenagers. I have had years to prepare for this time and have even enjoyed watching them grow and mature into the beautiful young women they are becoming, but that does not make it any easier nor do I like it any more. Not to mention that I am a dad of two beautiful young ladies which adds additional anxiety. I am very proud of them and what they are becoming but it is all happening too fast and I long for the days when they were daddy's little girls who needed me and whom I could hold tight and make things better (for both of us).

So what has changed all of a sudden that has brought this realization? The photo to the right. Megan's first high school dance. A disco dance, which makes this Abba fan feel even older as I realize that her school's oldies dance is now music from my generation. Sure, she just went with friends and she is a great kid who is making good decisions but I think this is the first step in this dad's realization that more and more he will have to let go of his little girls. Did I mention that I just don't like it?